In between the first and second “Dune” movies, directed by Denis Villeneuve, casting was set for the HBO prequel series “Dune: Prophecy.” Australian actor Josh Heuston, who’d been cast in the series as Constantine Corrino, had grown up a fan of the books and loved the first movie, but it all took on new meaning as the second film was rolling out, knowing he would now be part of the “Dune” universe. “Seeing how incredibly talented everyone was on the second film, that’s obviously a level of daunting to jump into that,” the 27-year-od says. The series, which premiered Sunday and airs weekly on HBO, is set 10,000 years before the first “Dune” film. “It’s still the same universe, so there’s still the same themes and the tone is quite similar. What’s different is it’s still a grand drama, but then it also feels like an intimate drama at the same time, because sure, there’s the massive sets and you’re in a spaceship where you are in an entire castle, but there’s the family dynamic,” Heuston says. “You kind of get to pop the hood on a lot of the different houses.” Josh Heuston The series has been part of Heuston’s life for nearly three
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