Although Earth Day has passed, there are many companies who are striving to keep their sustainability agendas alive throughout the year. And there some brands who, since their inception, have always had a commitment to sustainable practices embedded into every aspect of the company. Nudie Jeans is one of those companies. In its sustainable report, Joakim Levin, chief executive officer of Nudie Jeans, said that in “terms of our sustainability ambitions and work, last year made it even more clear that sustainability is one of our core pillars. Much of our sustainability-related work was carried out as planned despite that the pandemic affected our daily life and other parts of the business.” Levin said when Nudie Jeans launched twenty years ago, “we were clear about one thing: we would do it our way. Back then, sustainability wasn’t the talk of the town, like it is today. Still, we knew enough about the im- pact of the fashion industry that we decided to do everything in our power to make a difference – for the workers, their communities, and the environment.” The 100-plus page sustainability report outlines brand highlights from 2020 and insights into its value chain as well as the company’s targets and

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