One of the things adidas does best is its collaborations. In comparison to some other brands, adidas collaborations are fewer and farther between, which makes the ones that do pop up all the more special. (Yes, Beyonce, we are looking at you.) One of those more recent (and highly anticipated) partnerships is now available to shop today on adidas x Thebe Magugu. This adidas collaboration with the South African designer and eponymous brand is a meeting of good design and cultural significance. Thebe Magugu brings its eye for both inclusivity and range, and the brand does it in such a way that is seamlessly built into the very structure of the clothes. The inspiration, for example, is inspired by African heritage and kinship, demonstrated through the prints on pieces in the collection — prints that are actually artwork designed by Phathu Nembilwi. The moving, flowy colors in bright pinks and oranges come from females in Thebe’s family. Of course, what makes this collaboration cool is that these high-minded ideas aren’t only available on pricey designer pieces. Here, they are infused into adidas’s familiar shapes and fresh materials. This gear is not meant to be precious; it’s meant to be worn. The pieces are

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