There’s a lot of “content” floating around in media these days, but The New York Times wants no part of it. Yes, it does podcasts, TV, custom brand advertising and written reportage, and is ramping up on all of those fronts. But in such a moment of “peak content,” as the paper’s critic-at-large Wesley Morris put it during this year’s NewFront presentation to advertisers, the Times is planning to keep producing only at the highest level it can. “I hate the word,” publisher A.G. Sulzberger told Morris, the one who said he hated “content” first. “It is a useful word, but a useful word for junk — the junk you shovel onto YouTube and Facebook. What we do as journalists is fill a void. Content is cheap and that’s why the Internet has gravitated to it in a marketplace of shrinking margins.” But do expect to see more of the Times as a brand and representations of its journalism than ever this year. A big part of this is the upcoming premiere of “The Weekly” on FX and Hulu, which will take a behind-the-scenes look at some of the paper’s investigative pieces. Sulzberger said it took time to get “The Weekly” up to
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