Curls can be a challenge, and they come by that reputation honestly. A rainy day or the introduction of one new product can throw the whole look off, but now that more of us are shelving our hot tools in favor of rocking our natural hair textures, it can be difficult to know where to start — especially because no two curls, even on the same head, are identical. “What’s interesting about curls is that there’s an inconsistency a lot of times,” says Larry Sims, celebrity hairstylist and co-founder of Flawless by Gabrielle Union. “They can be so in between — straight here, wavy there, curly here — and going with the natural texture, it looks fuller a lot of times and just healthier. Don’t be afraid to lean into natural hair, because a lot of people, for the longest, tried to fight what they were born with.” The trick is to style your natural texture in the right way to keep your hair nourished and curls defined. “I agree that curly hair has a reputation,” says Maeva Heim, founder and CEO of the revolutionary curl-focused brand Bread Beauty Supply. “However, I don’t agree that it’s true. Or rather, it’s only true

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