Designer Ryan Taylor at his studio. Courtesy Photo Houston creative Ryan Taylor of Ryan Knew expresses his 2020 quarantine experience as a moment of clarity and motivation. There’s a mystery behind Taylor’s brand that creates a link between his audience and the designs he uses. Moving forward, he’ll have a DIY-approach with design, focusing on translating his creations to be more realistic and emotional. Unlike other brands that have stuck to a traditional retail model, Taylor has opted for his own scheduling and unique approach that has been successful in attracting a loyal following. Read more below on Taylor’s thoughts. A look from Ryan Knew’s latest collection. Courtesy Photo WWD: Please introduce yourself. Where are you quarantined right now? How are you feeling? Ryan Taylor: I am Ryan Taylor, design director for Ryan Knew. I’m home in Houston, Tex., continuing production and keeping schedules rolling as factories close down so it’s been a rough quarantine but one that has given clarity on a lot of things the brand needed. WWD: Given the circumstances, how have you found inspirations these days? R.T.: Inspiration has actually not been that difficult with everything at a quieter pace. It’s a lot easier to read the signs of the times and culture and

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