Mobile devices are an indispensable part of our daily lives. We use them for seemingly everything, from connecting with loved ones on social media, to checking real-time weather and traffic, to paying bills and playing games. Mobile has changed a lot for consumers, and it’s changed a lot for industries. In fact, I wrote a book on how mobile flipped the retail space. Retailers today know they have to integrate mobile technology into their brand experience, but they’re only thinking about mobile in terms of their customer. What about the store associate who is on the front line of ensuring superior experiences? Stephan Schambach fotostudio_charlottenburg The retailers that don’t take full advantage of the tools disrupting the industry today, are the ones that will not survive. But it’s more than putting any mobile device in the hand of store teams. Associates need smartphones. And they need to be able to use their own. Let’s dig a little deeper into why. Smartphones: The Center of the Mobile Universe Deloitte’s 2018 Global Mobile Consumer Survey found that smartphones are the most favored device among U.S. consumers. While smartphones continue to thrive as it relates to market penetration, other devices — namely tablets — are stalling. Retailers, think about it this
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