IN THE BLACK — AND PINK: Blackpink took Paris Fashion Week by storm, and one of the South Korean girl group’s members, Jisoo, was responsible for the social media post with the highest value. Jisoo’s effort ahead of the Dior show — four photos of herself on Instagram wearing a beige minidress decorated with a Greek figure — generated $1.84 million in media impact value, according to data and insights firm Launchmetrics. Dior came out as the top brand account with 8,088 posts valued at $39.1 million in media impact value, while Jisoo, whose full name is Kim Ji-soo, was the top celebrity with only two personal posts and 2,536 media mentions for a total value of $15.7 million. She boasts 47.9 million followers on Instagram and also documented her visit to the new Dior Spa at the Cheval Blanc hotel. Overall, Paris Fashion Week, which ran from Sept. 27 to Oct. 5, generated $241.4 million in media impact value, with $184.7 million of that from social channels. By comparison, the total media impact value of Milan Fashion Week amounted to $129 million. Camila Coelho came out as the top influencer, with 20 personal posts and 75 media mentions for a grand total of $3.7

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