adidas’ Ultraboost 21 might be made for working out, but it’s anything but clunky. In fact, these shoes are the most stylish (and advanced) model in the Ultraboost line. They have the signature bouncy, Tic-Tac-looking sole but the shape has been streamlined and elevated. They’re the kind of sneaker you want to give, get and have multiple pairs as backups. While the Ultraboost 21 debuted this February, adidas has been putting Boost technology into sneakers since 2013. Instead of using the classic EVA foam found in most running shoes at the time, adidas created its signature midsole with thermoplastic polyurethane (or eTPU) — a plush yet highly responsive material crafted by German chemists at BASF. The material uses tiny pockets of air to provide lightweight bounce, which makes these sneakers a favorite for running. (EVA is elastic, however it tends to be much softer than TPU, reducing the support needed for quick movements). I admittedly hate running, but these sneakers actually got me excited to hit the treadmill for some oft-dreaded sprints. They’re soft, don’t cause my ankles to roll and or toes to curl up inside my shoes. Plus, my knee that tends to get grumpy on a run stayed silent.

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