EAT YOUR SHIRT: Just in time for Bread & Butter by Zalando, which kicks off in Berlin today, Diesel is dishing up a surprisingly tasty new collaboration: Diesel x Mustafa’s Gemüse Kebap. The vegetable kebab stand in the city’s Kreuzberg district is legendary for its long lines of aficionados, often young tourists coming direct from the airport and willing to wait 30 minutes and more for what they claim is the non-plus ultra in döners. But don’t let the name fool you: unless you say “hold the chicken,” Mustafa’s Gemüse Kebap will be packed with spit-grilled poultry, fresh and roasted vegetables, feta cheese, garlic, herbs or hot sauce, a spritz of lemon plus a secret last ingredient. All for 3.90 euros, or around $4.50 at current exchange. As for the consistently irreverent Diesel, the Italian brand sent out a cookbook instead of a look book for this limited-edition line, produced in a 4,000-piece run. Cookbook takeaways include “Creativity is a super important ingredient. [It] comes after fresh tomatoes on my list,” from Mustafa. Or Diesel’s suggestion that “This collection is the new avocado on toast.” The drop is comprised of a cap, four T-shirts and two sweatshirts featuring both Diesel and Mustafa’s
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